Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The snow is here!

We finally saw the first falling of snow! This has been a odd year as normally we would have had snow by now.. but winter is definetly here as the temps have dropped and the snow came down. This is a happy site for skiers like myself! We were starting to get a little worried :) The snow is all new for Maisy and she seems to love it! She buries her head in the snow and comes up with a muzzle full of snowballs! Her coat will definetly be a challenge to care for as the snow balls up on her feet and is difficult to remove... we have booties on order!

Martini Night!

Last weekend Annie and Kent came over to cook dinner and have lemon drops! We made pad thai and curry with rice. It was a yummy dinner for a chilly, wintery night!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Visconti's Jazz Night!

Annie and I were treated to a fun night out in Leavenworth... We had dinner at Visconti's with Kent's Jazz Band as entertainment! On the menu was fresh salmon, grilled vege's, salad, french bread, and the most amazing peanut butter ice cream! Brooke came along and slept through the entire performance... what a champ! Not the greatest photo's as Annie caught me off guard whipping out the camera :)

One strong little girl!

At 3 months, this little girl is sure strong! Playing on aunty cait's shoulders turned into a fun hair and ear pulling game! Brooke is becoming quite the personality... so much fun to watch!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Before & After

As you can see, Maisy can get quite muddy in this fall, rainy weather... So we decided it was a time to visit the groomer! Maisy wasn't quite sure of the whole thing.. neither was I as I entered the building and saw what they called their "party poodle!" The "party" poodle was black and white with poofs of fur everywhere! She had a pom-pom on her head and a big pom-pom on her tail. As I left my poor little Maisy girl, I was thinking "I sure hope I was clear when I gave directions for her hair cut!" It put me at ease knowing that this particular groomer specialized in cutting poodle hair, so hopefully when I returned I would semi-recognize my dog! As I arrived to pick Maisy up.. a wave of panic ran through me as all I could see was a poofy head and thought... "POODLE!" But to my relief the groomer did a great job. Although her hair is quite short, she is so soft and cuddly as she still has her puppy coat. She also has more of a golden tint to her coat... Well all and all the big cut went well and will be wonderful for this ucky fall weather.. although I do slightly miss my big fuzzy hairball!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Riverfront Run!

This morning we threw on our running shoes and headed down to the Riverfront in Wenatchee for a run. It was a great fall run as the temperature is mild but not to chilly... yet! We took a few breaks for some fun photo ops! With snow on the distant mountain tops, hopefully we will have a few more weeks of great running weather... then on to skiing!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Joys of Puppyhood!

At 7 months, Maisy is still quite a puppy... Well behaved for the most part, but as you can see in the photo, she LOVES to dig and get messy in the dirt! Here are a few pics of her after a bath.. She is also quite a rascal. While over at my Annie's house Maisy managed to take 12 bones out of the box from the entry way out the dog door and into the grass before she was caught in the act!