Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So for the last month I have been training to run a half-marathon! I figure it is a great way to get into shape and get ready for skiing this winter... I will be running the Leavenworth Oktoberfest Half-Marathon on October 4th. Seeing as how I finally have the time to commit to training, I figure I might as well go for it! My training plan has me running one long run a week (10-12 mile run) with short 4-6 mile runs during the week. I am very lucky to have a great running partner, Cassie, as seen in the picture above. I also added a few pics of the beautiful scenery I am lucky to see while running... 5 more weeks, the countdown begins!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Merritt Lake Hike

We packed up and went on a hike up Steven's Pass yesterday. It was a 3-mile climb up to Merritt Lake where we had a picnic lunch. Kent also did some fishing and the dogs got to take a chilly swim. Brooke made it the whole way carried by mom and auntie cait in her sling. She seemed to enjoy the fresh air and didn't make a peep the whole way! We are all moving a little slower today...

Biking the Wenatchee Loop Trail

I believe the pictures say it all, we had a blast biking the Wenatchee Riverfront Trail! The weather was cool, a bit windy at times but a great temperature for biking. We rented two of the new low-rider bikes for mom and dad... What a hoot! Dad picked it up fast and was zipping around in no time... Might this new bike replace his Petersburg "cruiser???" It was a fun 10 mile ride around the river with beautiful views!

Arrival of the new grandparents!

My parents flew down from Petersburg, AK to meet Brooke Anne and visit for a week. It has been so wonderful to have family around during this exciting time! They have enjoyed meeting Brooke and hopefully will be visiting more frequently with the new arrival!

Miss Maisy Mae!

Maisy at 6 1/2 weeks!

Many of you have already been introduced to my goldendoodle, Maisy Mae! At 4 months and 25 pounds, she is turning into a full fledged dog who loves to romp and play! Maisy is a friendly pup who loves to make new friends, sometimes a bit too friendly! She is quite a swimmer and loves to play fetch. We are still working on our manners, but have mastered sit, lay down, turn around, and shake!

Welcome Baby Brooke!

Baby Chalmers made a fast entry into the world on August 9th, 2008 around 10:38pm! I was lucky to make it in time for her birth as I had been working all day and hadn't received the message that Annie was in labor! Both mom and baby are doing well, how exciting!