Sunday, November 16, 2008

Before & After

As you can see, Maisy can get quite muddy in this fall, rainy weather... So we decided it was a time to visit the groomer! Maisy wasn't quite sure of the whole thing.. neither was I as I entered the building and saw what they called their "party poodle!" The "party" poodle was black and white with poofs of fur everywhere! She had a pom-pom on her head and a big pom-pom on her tail. As I left my poor little Maisy girl, I was thinking "I sure hope I was clear when I gave directions for her hair cut!" It put me at ease knowing that this particular groomer specialized in cutting poodle hair, so hopefully when I returned I would semi-recognize my dog! As I arrived to pick Maisy up.. a wave of panic ran through me as all I could see was a poofy head and thought... "POODLE!" But to my relief the groomer did a great job. Although her hair is quite short, she is so soft and cuddly as she still has her puppy coat. She also has more of a golden tint to her coat... Well all and all the big cut went well and will be wonderful for this ucky fall weather.. although I do slightly miss my big fuzzy hairball!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looks so little now! Poor least its just hair. It'll grow back. =) Quinn has discovered mud too so this will be fun.